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In an emergency, call 112

North Savo wellbeing services county


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North Savo wellbeing services county

In an emergency, call 112
Hello, how can we help you?

When to contact?

Contact us when

You are considering going to the emergency clinic

Call 116117 before you go to the emergency clinic. During the opening hours of your health station, your primary place of treatment is your own health station.

You need care instructions or advice

We will provide you with treatment instructions and advice for urgent health problems when your health station is closed.

You need dental care outside office hours

If you need urgent dental care, you can get help at your own dental clinic during office hours. On weekends and public holidays, acute ache clinic in Kuopio with phone service hours from 8 to 9 am, tel. +358 17 174 020. At other times, call 116117.

Do not contact us when

Your matter is non-urgent

In non-urgent matters, you can get help from your health station or the outpatient clinic treating you. Non-urgent matters include matters such as health problems requiring non-urgent treatment, non-urgent inquiries about laboratory responses, renewals of prescriptions and prolonged health problems that have not worsened.

You have an enquiry concerning a family member

You can enquire about patients at an emergency clinic straight from the emergency clinic.

You cannot contact another local health care provider

If your situation does not require urgent treatment or assessment, please wait for the call back or the local provider to open

You have already been directed to go to the emergency clinic by a healthcare professional

If you have already been referred to the emergency clinic by another health care professional or you have an emergency referral, you can go directly to the emergency clinic.

How to contact?

Call 116117

Medical Helpline 116117 helps with urgent health problems that are not emergency situations

Text service

The Medical Helpline text service is only intended for people with hearing or speech impairments. The text service opens at the bottom of the page. The text service for the whole of Finland is provided by the HUS Group. Watch a sign language video on how to use the text service (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9gNYV71SpQ)

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