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Etitiileest suáiti 112

Terms and Conditions of the Medical Helpline 116117.fi service

Read these terms of use carefully before you start using the 116117.fi service (hereafter also referred to as the Service). Together with the data protection agreement, these terms constitute a contract between the user and the Service Provider (DigiFinland Oy). To use the service, you must agree to the terms of use. The terms of use are valid until further notice, they can be changed, and your continued use of the website after changes have been made constitutes your acceptance of the terms. If you do not agree to these terms, you need to stop using the Service and leave the website.

The 116117.fi service is developed and maintained by DigiFinland Oy (Service Provider). The responsible service provider and manufacturer is DigiFinland Oy (Siltasaarenkatu 8-10, 00530 Helsinki, https://digifinland.fiSijđo liäkkoo uđđâ koskâloostân). The user organisations for the 116117.fi service are regional social welfare and healthcare providers such as hospital districts and municipalities that offer the service to their residents.

Regions using the 116117.fi service, (digifinland.fi)Sijđo liäkkoo uđđâ koskâloostân

Terms of use

Medical Helpline 116117 is an advisory and guidance service organised by hospital districts where you can ask for advice on urgent health problems. The Medical Helpline is available 24/7.

Calls are answered by healthcare professionals who will assess your need for emergency or urgent care, taking local guidelines into account.

The 116117 service also provides more general advice and guidance for problems that may require an emergency visit, self-care instructions, and guidance related to social welfare services.

For example, you can call the Medical Helpline when your local health station is closed and you think about going to the emergency clinic. The service is intended for urgent, non-emergency situations, especially during on-call hours.

In life-threatening situations (e.g. severe chest pain, breathing difficulties, unconsciousness, paralysis symptoms, sudden convulsions), always call the emergency number 112.

The user has the right to use the 116117.fi service for its intended purpose, in accordance with the user instructions. It is forbidden to use the service in violation of these terms of use.

The service is provided to the user free of charge. The Service Provider has the right to start charging for the use of the 116117.fi service or for particular components of the service.

The Service Provider also has the right to interrupt or terminate the user’s use of 116117.fi at any time if the user violates these terms of use.

By using the website, the user commits to complying with the terms of use presented here.

Rights and obligations of the Service Provider

The Service Provider continuously develops the 116117.fi service. Because of this, the present range of services and the content of these services may change.

The Service Provider has the right – without prior notice, at any point and for any reason – to change the terms of use, appearance, content, and availability of these webpages, the services provided on them or any of their features as well as to close the service or transfer it to a third party.

The Service Provider has the right to suspend the provision of the service during maintenance and update work. During possible service suspensions, the telephone number 116117 is available in the wellbeing services counties in which the service is enabled.

The Service Provider is not responsible for any direct or indirect damage resulting from either a) the use or non-availability of these webpages or electronic services or b) damage that affects these services. The Service Provider is not responsible for the destruction, disappearance or modification of the data or files of the other contracting party, regardless of the reason for such occurrence, nor are they responsible for the resulting damage or expenses, such as the cost of recreating the files.

User obligations

The user is responsible for the accuracy and delivery of the data they submit via the service. The user commits to, and is responsible for, not sending via these webpages any illegal or inappropriate material. The user must use all reasonable measures to ensure to the material they send neither contains any viruses nor is damaging in any other way.

Intellectual property rights

The ownership and intellectual property rights for the Service and all the text, graphic and other data published in the Service belong to either the Service Provider or one of their partners, including the right to make changes and to grant such rights to others.

All rights are reserved for the webpages and their content. It is forbidden to publish, copy, transfer or change the content or appearance of the webpages without the owner’s permission, except in cases where this involves printing out or storing on one’s own computer for personal use or guidance of patients.

The user may cite the website text and create links to the webpages, but when doing so the source of the text must always be given in the manner and breadth required by the Copyright Act (404/1961). Usage of any other data must be separately agreed on with the Service Provider (contact details above).

Use of cookies

The 116117.fi service uses cookies. These cookies ensure that the service operates safely and correctly. In order to use the service, the user must at least approve the necessary cookies.

Based on the operation of the website, the cookies are divided into necessary visit-specific cookies and other cookies. The website does not use marketing cookies.

Necessary cookies ensure that the 116117.fi website works correctly. These cookies are removed from the system when the browser is closed.

Other cookies help the Service Provider to collect visitor statistics about users on the site; these statistics cannot be linked to an individual user. User statistics help the Service Provider and social welfare and health care organisations to make their services even better.

When using the 116117.fi service anonymously, the service does not save any data from which the user could be either directly or indirectly identified.

Data produced by third parties

The Service Provider is not responsible for any material produced or published by a third party. The service contains links to third party websites. The Service Provider is not responsible for the material on the websites of these third parties, nor for the websites to which the user connects from the Service Provider’s website.

Data protection practices and terms of use for third parties

The 116117.fi service can be used anonymously.

The service uses the Matomo tool to collect anonymous click analytics if the user has given their consent to the collection of this data by accepting other cookies in the service. No individual user can be identified from the Matomo tool data. The data is used in the development of the 116117.fi service.

Third-party services apply their own data protection practices and terms of use, and DigiFinland is not responsible for the data collection and data processing carried out by these actors, including any cookies, other tracking technologies or links. The user should familiarise themselves with the terms of use and personal data processing practices of such services before starting to make use of them.

Details of the processing of personal data within the 116117.fi service and of the controllers of personal data registers can be found in the privacy policy for the 116117.fi service: Privacy policySijđo liäkkoo uđđâ koskâloostân.

Applicable legislation and resolution of disputes

The provisions of Finnish law shall apply to any disagreements arising from these terms of use or from the 116117.fi website or its content. Any disputes shall be dealt with in the Helsinki District Court.